Contorted Legs


5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
My one month old chick, whom I hatched and thought was fine, started developing a swollen joint on its right leg. A week later, both legs are twisted and contorted. I dont know why?
All other five chicks from different mothers are fine. The two other chick that hatched from this same chicks mother both died after just one week. This one has survived so far.
Does anyone know what might be happening? My fear is the older it gets, the more weight on the legs. "Fry" eats and drinks fine, can move around with much struggle, and will move toes, but can not keep up with other chicks. Thank you for any input.
Buy some Poly Vi Sol baby vitamins (not the one with iron) and give that chick a drop or two in it's mouth, only that one, though. Then put some in the water (I'll have to look up the dosage) for all of them. Do this as soon as possible, before there is too much damage. If it is not a vitamin deficiency (which I would be willing to bet it is) the extra vitamins won't hurt any of them.

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