

These are my two darling Sun Conures... Passion and Merlin. Passion is the older one, she is a DNA sexed female around 3 years old. Merlin is a 6 month old that we strongly suspect is male. He's starting to change his juvenile coat to his adult coat. He's so gorgeous right now being mottled yellow and green. He's even starting to talk already.. he says "Hello" "Good night" "Yumyum" "Thank you" and "Diamond!" The last one is him copying me yelling at my border collie
They are beautiful! thanks for sharing! What do you do if one is male and the other female?

Nothing, they're both sweet birds. Males tend to be more gregarious though. Passion's bonded too strongly to me.. she won't get on other people if I'm here and will bite those that try to get her off me. Merlin's a social butterfly who will go to anyone.
I've got a Green-Cheeked Conure. Gotta see if I can find a photo of her on my netbook. They may all be on the other computer.
She is super awesome and would probably ride around on my person 24 hours a day, if I let her. I've had her for 13 years now and I have never had a time that I regretted getting her. I can't say the same of my Senegal. I love him, but he's insane.

I got this sun conure on Craigslist with cage for $150. She was 1 year old when I got her, and was already dna tested too.

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