converting playhouse into chicken coop

We took two playhouses and combined them to make a duplex..... here are some pixs..... (the last one is before it was converted into a duplex) .... maybe it will help get some ideas flowing!!!





How did you attach the hardware cloth to the plastic? I see the round metal thingies but I have no idea what they are haha
How well has this help up?
I have always used flat washers and screws - the really big metal washers, I think they're called "fender" washers at the hardware stores. The screw holds the washer tight against several of the squares in the hardware cloth.

Hope this helps.
We got some wide head screws, Teks #8 lath screws. There is 1/4" hardware cloth over the windows. Worked great for the summer while the chicks were growing and we were building a permanent coop and run. Ours was old and the roof leaked, when I checked on it after a storm this winter so glad we didn't stay with it. The roof condition was on of the thing that pushed us to a different hen house, rather than just building a run.

We got some wide head screws, Teks #8 lath screws. There is 1/4" hardware cloth over the windows. Worked great for the summer while the chicks were growing and we were building a permanent coop and run. Ours was old and the roof leaked, when I checked on it after a storm this winter so glad we didn't stay with it. The roof condition was on of the thing that pushed us to a different hen house, rather than just building a run.

Do all roofs leak on these houses? I live in Colorado and want to use either a Tikes playhouse like the duplex types above or a wood playhouse. Problem is our winters can get pretty bad cold with heavy type snow but I live closer to Denver not mountains so snow hasn't been an issue lately =) I have 3 hens btw =)
Has anyone put a cooler on one of these houses? I live in Las Vegas and its HOT here. I need ideas on how to put a cooler on the coop.

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