cooked spaghetti

terry the teacher

In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 12, 2007
Hi you all,
I had left over spaghetti and gave some to my two girls this morning - who loved it. But I want to make sure that it's not just "empty calories" before I give them more. What do you think?
Yeah, it is sort of empty calories. But the entertainment value is so high that giving them some once in a while would be rewarding.
I read somewhere on this site that you can freeze the spaghetti and give it to them when it's hot. And it's been HOT here in Central Texas.
I just took some down to the chickens last night that was left over from supper. I only give it about every 2 weeks so they enjoy it as a side dish to their own regular food. My free range chickens don't care anything for it but my cooped chicks really love something different.
maybe the excercise they get from chasing each other with noodles helps burn off some of the empty calories
LOL my girls fling it all over the place
My free range chickens love spaghetti. They also get stale crackers, chips and bread as treats in addition to laying pellets. They really love the seeds and pulp left over from melons which are just now coming into season. If you think chickens running around with spaghetti noodles is funny you should see them with melon pulp and seeds.
I just took them some cut up cantelope and the seeds were the first thing they went for:D. I was surprised because I thought they would like the flesh better. THey are always surprising me!

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