Cool Chicken Names

Mimi (buff colored EE)
Violet (red/brown EE)
Bob (GLW - nickname from Roberta)
Hootie (GLW - nickname from the Pokemon character Hoot Hoot)
Coco (Polish - named after Coco Chanel)
Buffy (Buff Orpington - named after Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Gallifrey (red sexlink - named after the planet of the time lords from Dr. Who)
All named by my 9 year old daughter (the 1st four were named last year when she was 8).
We did have a Black Copper Maran named Ivy until Ivy turned out to be Alvin. Alvin now has a new home.
Posted yesterday about the names of our in memory of my mommy. We have decided for sure that we are keeping our blue cochin...her name is going to be Jasmine (aka Jazzy for short)...naming chicks...chickens....pets is so much fun!!!
I love naming our chicks.
Our EE's are:
Ginger (just that color)
DW (DarkWing)
Opal (she just never made up her mind what color she would be)
Our BLW is, of course Lacey
New pullett is Buttercup (Wheaton Americauna)
and then the "twins" Smokey Jo and Blu (1/2 polish 3/4 Blue Wheaton)
My chickens names are:
Sophie- A americana
Annie- Also a americana
Sunny- white leghorn
Daisy-white leghorn
Delilah- Barred rock
Misty- Rhode island red

The RIR passed away not too long ago. It was quite sad, we think that she died from worms or something like that
Fricasse- Delaware
Cacciatore- Barred Rock
Dumpling- some type of Faverolle mutt
Nugget- Easter Egger
Roastmary- Easter Egger
Violet- Red Sex Link
PuttPutt- Black Australorp
Helen- Bantam Game Hen

Of course, we could never even THINK of making dinner out of the ladies!
Yawkey, Henway, Poppin and Elvis - all Ameraucana bantam mixes

Yawkey & Henway were named for my family's love of the Red Sox & Fenway Park, Poppin was named by my son (she's white like popcorn), and Elvis was thought to be a rooster, plenty of swagger...99% sure she's a hen now, but Elvis still fits her.
I started off with names of alcohol, then we just went random:

Whiskey &Tequila----gold laced wyandottes hens I think

Pinot-- White Wyandotte Roo

Pearl--White Wyandotte Hen

Opal & Ivory----White leghorn (sex unknown I'm afraid they are roos)

Piper & Belvedere ---silverlaced wyandotte hen and roo

Rosie and Ginger---RIR hens

Huevo & Omlette-- Buff hens

Moonshine & Moscato (now called Ed because she acts special)---Black Star hens
Maizie - Columbian Wyandotte hen

Rosie - = = =

Helen - Golden Buff hen

Lily - = = =

Oreo - Dominique hen

Brownie - = =
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I like 'Old Farm Lady' names for the birds. Hope I don't offend anyone! We have:

and our very special runt Nan.
Yay!! I'm not the only one out there naming chickens!!

I have several:

Captain Jack Sparrow, and Captain Morgan are my EE Roos.
I have several EE Hens but only a few have names:
FlapJack (she spent most of her chickdom laying on her back after the other chicks flipped her over)
Amelia(because she loves to fly out and around the coop)
Sunny ( because she has a yellow face and always seems to be smiling)
Violet (because she is a lavender color)

My RIR are named: Ruby, Garnet, Rouge, and Scarlet

I have 4 BO: one named Dorothy and another Ophelia...still working on names for the other 2

I have a Cornish Cross named Glenda

3 Polish, named Zach (Morris) Jesse (Spano) Lisa (Turtle) after Saved by the Bell...Ive got some 3 week old chicks that I am hoping to get Kelly, Slater, and Screech out of...

I have a Mille Fleur Pair named Mork and Mindy

And a Frizzle Pair named Frick and Frack

Ruby, Glenda and Dorothy were all named after surviving a tornado we had back in April...I also had an Auntie Em (SLW) but she turned out to be a He and was very mean so I got rid of him.

I have several Silkies still to name, but am at a loss because they don't have the personalities the other chickens seem to have.

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