Cool site on Chicken growing in an egg!

Those chicks are cracked into the dish at each stage. You can "grow" one in a dish for about a week, but beyond that, the chick will start to have problems and usually die if it didn't get an infection first. You can see that the yolk sac and chick membranes are broken in a lot of the pics. I've cracked embryos into a dish and you usually float it in a "chick media" so that it can stay alive long enough for demonstrations/viewing. It's "humane" up till pipping, since after that point, the embryo is considered a chick. Basically, if you use chick embryos, do it before day 17. A more technical run though of chick embryo development is in the paper by Hamburger and Hamilton .

If you have Univeristy access look it up. Probably find it in the depths of the journal isles in a basement but is VERY interesting.
Series of Embryonic Chicken Growth. J. Morphology, 88 49 - 92 (1951) Or republished by J.R. Sanes in Developmental Dynamics 195 229-275 (1993).
even for the purposes of science, I don't know how anyone could do that. If that's really considered 'humane' until pipping I don't know who makes the rules, cause like with other living things I believe if it's not alive it can't die.

Anyways, it is very interesting. It's amazing to see the detail in the growth stages, but I do think it would be a lot cooler to actually be able to see inside the egg clearly enough without having to crack it. Poor little chickies....I have such a soft spot for them. At least until they grow large enough to make messes, perch on the edge of their brooders so that they can poop on the floor, and sit around for almost 6 months before giving me eggs....LOL!
:cool:Yeah I never thought that it could be a different chicken either. I figured it was grown in a petri dish in a sterilized setting with temperatures that would facilitate growth. Maybe we should ask the maker of the site???
That's stupid to do.
Poor chicken!!! They just took a whole life(A WHOLE LITTLE BABY LIFE!!!!!!!) from each of those chickies!!!
Stupid thing to do.
Just another dumb human curiosity.
Those people might as well killed a human baby! but noo...animals aren't as "valuable" as humans, are they?!

yes, it is very informative, but NOT worth taking a SEVERAL lives away.
Had to do this in high school biology many moons ago. They were all alive
I felt awful, refused to open the eggs, especially in the final stages, and flunked the project.
I will NEVER forget it.
I did something similar in my college Zoology class. It was just like one of the commenters said at the bottom of the page of pics - we made a little hammock of saran wrap over a circle of PVC pipe and very carefully cracked the egg over it. We kept it enclosed over a light for heat and had the humidity up. You can watch it go from Day 1 up until the day the chick needs to start drawing calcium from the shell (I forget which day that happens on). It was pretty interesting to watch development from day to day.

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