cooling off your chickens

We are in Corpus Christi so hello NEIGHBORS. The lengths of PVC are less than $4, the 32 nozzles were $12 I think and the drill bit and tap were like 12-14 dollars I think. The glue and cleaner will be the most expensive. The fittings are all usually less than a dollar each. I'm a diehard DIYer so lol
Howdy neighbor! :)
It's very hot in GA today, the only one that seems to mind it is my brown leghorn. They have a tarp cover pvc tractor wit the ends open in the direction of the wind. every hour i add ice to their water, I put a pan of shallow water with in it for her, I even made a berry smoothie. the leghorn just walked through the smoothie and no one is really taking advantage of anything but the water. I do not have shade and I think I need to get a fan. what fan setups do you all have? Is there a fan you really like and works well? I was maybe wanting one with a light too, and a clip for their coop. What set ups and what do you all do to get them to enjoy their treats> So far, I think my chickens are from another planet, they don't even like lettuce!
I have fans on all sides of my coop so they get cross ventilation. I had a kiddie pool last year that I put a few inches of water in and they would wade in it to cool off. My hens love bananas, kale, diced ham and meal worms. They will come up the steps and stare in the window wanting treats.
I think my chicks are still too young to appreciate real food. they do not touch anything I try to offer them. They don't have a clue what to do with it all. I mean what chicken doesn't like lettuce, peas, berries, corn?
My chickens refuse peas and carrots of any type. I offer kale, spinach, and cabbage which they gobble up. They are also given frozen and fresh melons, berries, and fruit.

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