coop and pin build


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
new castle Indiana
Raised chickens when I was on the farm long ago before parents got sick and we had to sell out. anyway Im at the point now of being able to finally get some animals back slowly I just bought a 12 by16 garden shed im turning into a mini barn so to speak.

The outside coop is 25 feet wide by 20 feet long.
Inside is 10 feet wide 6 feet tall 4 to 5 feet in depth

Looking at egg layers buying as chicks believe some rhode island red, a guinea or 2 wife has to have and some dominiques. Thought about a few others but don't wanna over crowd

Im buying all as chicks and all females how many would you guys recommend I start with? Im disabled so I have the time to care for them.

MY outside coop is heavy chicken wire with 6 to 8 inches buried with 6 feet above ground then 2x4s connecting each post to staple the netting to. Going threw ebay for some bird netting to close off the top to prevent fly overs.

Ive rambled enough I would say and sorry for the how many post just kind of wondering myself. Thanks also good places to order chicks from?
I ordered through welp hatchery they the cheapest, and they have a minimum order of 15 or 25 so I'd figure whatever the min is would be a good starting point figuring you might lose on or two
yeah murray hatchery sent me a nice book ive been looking at Id like 20-25 hens just not sure if my size will handle that. I have 10 acres so the run can always be made larger.
i order my dominiques through meyer hatchery. I think the lowest amount they'll ship is 3. as far as how many you should start with idk maybe 5. i have 4 and it works out pretty good for what i need. they have large feeders and waterers so beside gathering eggs i really only do feedings and such every 3 days or so. I'm not sure if feed stores in your area still have chicks or not. They might not have exactly the breeds you want but you'll save a good bit on shipping costs. Good luck with whatever you decide.
They did all went on sale and sold out. My wifes dad buys and sell at sale barns and has gotten several sick chickens witch is why im leaning more torward ordering all in one place
How many eggs do you need? And do you plan on selling eggs? That is what will determine how many chicks you buy. You are going to want to put your roosts across the 5' so they have room to safely get down from them. You will have an easier time if you buy them all at once or close enough to it so you can brood them together, adding chickens to an established flock is sometimes a pain.I think you could easily house 10 - 15 birds as long as you don't have to lock them in for an extended time.
i've only ordered from meyers. So i can't really say anything about the others. But they do have great customer service. And just a tip when you do order make sure you go to the post office and let them know about it and give them your phone number so they can call you when they come in.

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