Coop and Run Cleaning


8 Years
Aug 26, 2015
I had 3 chickens. No idea what kind. Laying hens. A white and two red. Then 2 wild hens from the woods brought 9 biddies us. We built two more coops. I have questions. How often and with what do I need to clean the coops and runs? Do all chickens lay eggs we can eat? And lastly, do I separate the roosters? Any help will be appreciated!
I had 3 chickens. No idea what kind. Laying hens. A white and two red. Then 2 wild hens from the woods brought 9 biddies us. We built two more coops. I have questions. How often and with what do I need to clean the coops and runs? Do all chickens lay eggs we can eat? And lastly, do I separate the roosters? Any help will be appreciated!
All chickens lay the same type of yes they are all edible.
It is usually advised to only keep one rooster per every 10 to 12 hens so the girls don't get too tore up from mating.
Keeping two roosters together with girls will more then likely lead to problems.

What type of bedding in the coop do you use?
Is the run dirt floor?
Can you post a few pictures of the birds and your coops?
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Pork Pie

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