Coop and Run finished


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 5, 2011
Ft. Wayne
I wanted to put pictures up of our coop and run. I'm so proud. My husband did this all on his own. Just looked at pictures and then made it. It's insulated and has three nest boxes that are on the "outside". We can just reach in and get the eggs.

The girls seem to love it. They like going up and down the ladder too.
This was the the framing on the house. He made the walls first, painted them and then took them outside to assemble.


We have a gate at the front and a tarp over the run part now. I think next year he will enclose it with an official roof. However, for now it works well and keeps them covered when they are outside and if we need to get in we can sorta stand up.


Side view


My son made a little ladder to walk up into the house part and they insulated it and put window with plexi glass in it. We can open the windows and prop it durig the summer.


Here you can see where we would get entrance into the nest area.


Working on getting lighting in as well.


Chicken moving day.

Nice. Good carpentry skills.
I especially like the overhang above the nests.
That's a tricky place to keep dry with that type of nest and I have 2 coops with those nest designs.
Wanna come visit for a few days????
I have lumber and wire

I am placing an order for babiessssssssssss! <----------- reason you NEED to come over.

Ok so I am totally set up for the babies. BUT you built such a nice coop and run I thought maybe I may need another.
Thanks, he was a carpenter for 20 years in his former life. Worked in some high end restaurants and "big wig" houses so he is definately skilled. The overhang on the room is a few inches past the next boxes so it won't drip in there now and that's nice.

For the floor on the inside we put down a cemet type board. We can wash it down if we need but just coat it with straw now.
I bet he would love to help if he could. He really enjoyed doing this one. I would love to get some more babies but that means more room. I'm thinking he could easily add on runs to this if he wanted to and that's a nice feature.
Really he did a wonderful job and the chicks look happy with it as well.

I may do something like it at the end of my garden so the chickens can have access to the garden when it is done without having to move them every day.

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