Coop and run size?


In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2016
We are in the process of having to build a temporary coop for our girls. We have an extremely large chicken coop that was built around 1910. It's falling down, and must be torn completely down to be rebuilt. Our girls are housed in a portion of it currently. Since we've never had to build one ourselves I'm not exactly sure how much space is needed. We have 12 chickens currently (including 3 roosters, which will soon become 1). It will be a structure that will have to last possibly a year or so. How large of a coop, and run would you say my girls need??
Well a four by eight coop would be a good size for a year or two as if u don't plan on getting anymore my cousin has a four by eight coop and he has 14 chickens in his and they have plea to of room and floor space that they can still move around and not crowded and I would say a 8-12 feet wide and maybe 15-30 feet long run
In an ideal chicken run, one chicken should have 10 square feet to itself (more is obviously better). In the coop, one chicken should have 4 square feet per bird (still, more is better).

I have a 7x8 coop that houses 18 chickens (plus a couple guinea and peafowl) and it works fine. They also have another 8x8 coop that is always available to them if needed but they still prefer the 7x8 coop. As for the run, I would say no less than 100 square feet.


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