coop and run


Feb 28, 2016
Golden Valley AZ
coop and run now, I am sorry if this didn't make any sense when I posted, A: I still don't know for sure how to post pictures, especially in a new thread, B: I can't get my phone to talk to my laptop to be able to post that way. What this is, is to show the new coop size, the run etc.. the new coop will be 8 x 24, the run I am not sure of the over all size, the old coop was roughly 10 x 10 and the run was about the same size, we've taken hardware cloth and put it a couple of inches down in the ground and about 6 inches out from the bottom of the run & coop. on the new run there is hardware cloth, 1 " chicken wire above that and then bird netting above the chicken wire and across the top.
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I like the layout!
Chicken wire, however is not predator proof (my opinion of that stuff is that it makes great forms for papermache and not much good for anything else), raccoons can easily rip it apart so I only use 1/2 inch hardware cloth fastened with screws and washers every 6 inches (in my area this works very well at keeping unwanted critters out). But I have raccoons, foxes, opossums, coyotes for main predators of chickens.
I like the layout!
Chicken wire, however is not predator proof (my opinion of that stuff is that it makes great forms for papermache and not much good for anything else), raccoons can easily rip it apart so I only use 1/2 inch hardware cloth fastened with screws and washers every 6 inches (in my area this works very well at keeping unwanted critters out). But I have raccoons, foxes, opossums, coyotes for main predators of chickens.
while we might, I've not seen any raccoon's around here, I'm in the NW part of AZ, Coyotes yes, we have those, the bottom half of the run is hardware cloth, the top half is chicken wire and birdnetting.. won't stop them if they really want in, but it will hopefully slow them down enough that i have time to get out there.
What are those angled pieces on the posts?

Anti-dig apron looks good here.....looks like 12" up and 12" out?
Might need another horizontal framing member to stiffen at ground level.
the triangle blocks were used for stabilizing the pipes that these 4 x 4's were used for. I am with you for the additional boards, Hubby built it and I wasn't out there to supervise
I thought it might be something like that.
Did you get them for free?
Yes, several of them, they were used for my old coop and run and now are being used for the new. will probably be out of them by the time the new coop and run are complete, but I was blessed in getting them. the 4x4's are not cheap.. :) , to try and save a few, I'm looking at the pallets that we got for free to use as a kinda sub-flooring to put the osb on to make the solid floor for the coop. I'd like to fix it where there is little to no chance of a snake or mice, etc.. getting into the coop. Just like a burglar breaking into your house or car, if they want to get in, they are going to get in, but I want to make them work for it.
Great salvaging on the 4x4's!
Not sure about pallets for floor(or walls).
Might be handy structural components but also great habitat for things to live in if they have slats both sides. Coop floor will be on the ground or raised?

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