Coop attached to house and cats


12 Years
Apr 23, 2007
I am trying to figure out the best place for a coop. We have a nice sheltered spot under the porch stairs that would make a 8 feet long 4 feet wide and 10 feet high coop. Is it a good idea to have the coop be attached to the house? Any worries about rodents, other critters etc? I have three cats- how do folks deal with other pets and chickens?
well, I'm not sure about where you live but the laws for me say a coop must be 50 feet away from any houses. If you're allowed too, I gues you can put one next to your house. It might get a bit smelly.
As for cats - If the birds are full grown I don't think a cat will be a problem. But baby chicks should be separated from them. Especially if they hunt. (Like my cat
Hmmmm, attached to the house...well...If you keep it clean, there shouldnt be a smell....and if you keep it secure the cats should not be able to get to them. I dont have cats, but I know they are hunters, and most will try to get a baby chick....maybe not a big old hen, they can be pretty mean if need be! I would be afraid of drawing mice to the house. chickens have seed....mice LOVE seed...mice come into the house. Nothing a few traps in the house wont take care of tho! Just my opinion.... Sounds like a big place for a coop tho. Maybe you can have 8 to 10 chickens in there. Will they have a fenced yard to get out into? Make sure the cats cant get into the yard, while the chicks are out. can you cover a fenced in run maybe?
Thanks for the advice. Maybe coop attached to house is not such a great idea. Back to the drawing board! We have such a small yard- its going to be a challenge but I really want to raise chickens. My cats are hunters which drives me crazy:barnie
Any body with a really small yard raising chickens?
First off....are you in a part of town, that LETS you have chickens? I would check into that first...just dont get them all set up, and fall in love with them, just to find out you have to get rid of them. IF you are sure you can have them, check the laws on how much yard you need. Then....tell us, how big is your yard, and how many do you plan on getting???
The town I live in does not have bylaws concerning barn animals. I know this is good and bad- the health department may very well say that I cannot have chickens. The town next to ours does allow barn animals as long as neighbours don't have any complaints. I first want to figure out if I have the space to even have a coop. Our yard is about 30 by 30 feet on a slight down ward slope. I have worries about water getting in the coop and making sure the chickens are warm enough in the winter- in addition to my cats and every other predator out there.
I want to start small with 3 chickens.
I would definitely watch out for cats when the chicks are small. I finally put my 6 week chicks outside into their new coop. I have a 6 foot fence surrounding the area (60'x45') with chicken wire on the bottom 2 feet. Our cat watched them for quite some time. She charged at the fence once and made the chicks all scatter. She then proceded to walk all the way around the perimeter (with some chicks following her on the otherside) looking, I'm sure, for an entrance. After awhile she gave up and decided to go back into the garage. She hasn't shown interest since then.

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