Coop Build - Partially done....


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
New to chickens, and we have "chicks" that are 9 weeks old - living in a large brooder in the garage while this is being built. Here is my early post on our thoughts and request for input:

Now here is where we are at. You are welcome to offer your ideas and opinions. The wall-less side will get a people size door, and a community nest box.

Coop is 10 feet x 6 feet. We have 12 girls, and 5 boys - but will only keep 1-2 boys long term. So we expect to have 13-14 chickens total. The run is 50 feet x 10 feet. We elevated the coop so they would have some places to hide/offer some variety in environment. Our plan is to use clear fiberglass roof panels to cover the run, however, the coop will have a wood and shingled roof.

Ventilation: Under eaves is all open and covered in hardware cloth. The triangle formed by wall and roof will be covered in hardware cloth - we might need to cover in plastic or similar in the winter - we will see. There will be a glass window that can open and close in the front.

Roosts: not sure our design yet. We might have a ladder style or the more common straight across style with poop boards.

Flooring is vinyl flooring for ease of cleaning.

Painting the interior- we haven't thought about this yet.

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So our current conversation is around painting the interior of the coop. Pros? Cons?
Painting the interior a light color would help with lighting inside coop.

I'm curious as to how the heck are you going to sheath the wall that's less than a foot(?) from the pole barn?
Painting the interior a light color would help with lighting inside coop.

I'm curious as to how the heck are you going to sheath the wall that's less than a foot(?) from the pole barn?

Thanks. Spouse thinks it’s a waste of time to paint, but it would be my preference.

The distance is 18” -the angle of the pic does make it look tiny though. Spouse is trim enough to get back there with a drill!
I would agree with spouse, but I hate to paint. :D

LOL! He’s an excellent painter with great attention to detail, BUT the idea of painting a chicken coop is silly to him-they are chickens and in his mind don’t need a whole lot of special attention. Of course he’s building this coop .... I must be a skilled negotiator!
LOL! He’s an excellent painter with great attention to detail, BUT the idea of painting a chicken coop is silly to him-they are chickens and in his mind don’t need a whole lot of special attention. Of course he’s building this coop .... I must be a skilled negotiator!
The painting is not for the birds so much as for the keepers being able to see better in the coop, but good for the birds to have more light too....and because humans like to 'decorate'.

Speaking of light, I would suggest another window or 2.
What geographical direction is the coop facing, or what side of the pole bard is the coop on..N,S,E or W?
Those triangle vents may well have to be covered or dampened during winter,
you could offset the cover on outside of coop by a few inches to allow air flow but block wind and snow.
Is the large window an awning or double hung or slider or...??
Think about rain infiltration when window is open, and at triangle vents also.
Here it is after todays efforts. Window installed. 3 sides with tongue and groove planking added (side next to the barn was being completed as I took pics). Hardware cloth covering the triangular opening.

Next, the North wall will be worked on - this will have a door and then a next box added. Planning on a community nest box that is 30" wide with curtains. If we need another one, we will put it on the East or South wall (extending outside the coop). Run will have a clear fiberglass roof added (on same pitch of the coop roof).

@aart , The window faces directly east. The barn is 50 feet wide, and the chicken coop is 10 feet wide - so there is a good amount of protection from the barn. However, we will likely cover up the upper triangular openings during the winter months. Prevailing winds in the winter are often from the North or Northwest.

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