Coop building next week


Mar 20, 2016
Georges Mills, NH
the lumber is here, just a few small things left to get and the pre cut metal roof material (ironically one of the cheapest items) still to order

Going to start building the first coop next week. I need 3 coops but with lumber as pricey as it is one will have to do to start

This is the coop I am building.
We have FAR too many predators- large/small/land/air here to ever allow them to be loose.. ever. We live in the woods on top of a mountain and have every land based predator from short tailed weasels to bear and everything in between and many species of air born death including a Goshawk nest just 1/4 mile away

All of our neighbors have lost every single chicken and duck that ever set foot out of a coop and many even in the coop
1/2" hardware cloth. Plans call for chicken wire but that is a no go here

The eventual plan is to get electric chicken netting or sheep netting to put a few feet out from the coop ( s)
@rottlady Nice coop!

Do you have "freecycle" in your area? it is and people post things that they want to get rid of, or things that they want. Recently I posted that I wanted a large cooler (to build a coolerbator) and I got a response within a day. I just had to pick it up.

I also saw a posting that there was hardwood flooring that was removed from a home that was available. I made one trip with my mini van and picked up as much as I could. I had to hammer the nails flat because they were too hard to remove, but I am going to use those to build a small coop.

Freecycle might be a good place to find lumber. This mornings email said that there were 2 sheets of plywood available!
In case you hadn't noticed, Freecycle is the email I read before anything else! You respond to any posts you're interested in and remember that the early hen gets the worm!

Right now I am hoping to get some windows!

Good luck!
1/2" hardware cloth. Plans call for chicken wire but that is a no go here

The eventual plan is to get electric chicken netting or sheep netting to put a few feet out from the coop ( s)

@rottlady Nice coop!

Do you have "freecycle" in your area? it is and people post things that they want to get rid of, or things that they want. Recently I posted that I wanted a large cooler (to build a coolerbator) and I got a response within a day. I just had to pick it up.

Good luck!
Yes we have Freecycle here but I think it must be the lamest Freecycle in the US. I have never been able to get or get rid of ANYTHING on it :(

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