I posted a thread asking about this built in box in my shed wondering if it would work for a coop. After getting some feedback, the last couple days we've been working hard on renovations and getting it ready for my five 4 week old chicks! I took some new pictures and wanted to get some more feedback. I also added the before pictures for reference. As you can see from the pictures, one side has been raised to make enough room for their roost. It's going to be surrounded with hardware cloth. Does the roost look ok? Size wise? Width, height, length, angle, amount of bars, etc. Each roosting bar is 21 inches long and there's 5 of them. Another vent was also added to the shed. It has hardware cloth one one side of it to keep things like snakes or large bugs from getting in. We have another vent exactly like that which can be added if needed. Besides that, there's another vent at the top of the shed wall. Does this seem like enough ventilation? I figured since the ventilation needs to be higher than the roost, our best bet with this particular set up was to put more ventilation in the shed itself and just put hardware cloth all around the taller part of the coop. I also added a picture of what the other side of the coop looks like. There will be two nesting boxes there. It needs to be cleaned out but that won't be hard. If anyone has questions, comments, or concerns, I'd love to hear them! We're still building and can make changes as needed. The smaller part is about 3 ft tall, the taller part is around 6 ft (I think. I need to check again), and the whole coop is around 6 ft by 3 ft. I hope that makes sense lol. I'm not great with explaining measurements.