Coop Design Contest - Win $20 BYC Gift Certificate •• ENDS 9/15

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Check out this page of a man with 13 chicks. Ok, well a family with 13 chicks. Oh... this is why they threw tomato's at me... Yea, free food for the chickens. While I work on my comedy routine how about if you take a gander at our chicken coop. Come on in and lend a hand at

The Baker's Dozen

Ya' all come back now... ya hear.
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Did you fill it with Japanese bantams? I agree, that coop is really original!

Hey thanks guys...My husband is an unusual type and likes to have things that are different. He also likes to do everything himself (perfectionist issues).

I do know the girls like to roost in the very top to peek out the window on top. It took them a while to figure it out but have managed to do so. It is fun to see their "smiling" faces looking at you.

As for the Japanese bantams we don't have those. We seem to have everything else though. Currently we have Cochins, Orpingtons, Brahmas, Polish, EE's, Fayoumi, RIR, Wyandottes, Austrolopes, and who knows what will come next.
AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! I didn't realize that if I delete a photo from photobucket its also deleted from my page!!!!!! ARRGGGHHHH!!!! I will fix this before the deadline! When is the deadline Nifty?
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