coop design PLEASE HELP


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 13, 2008
i am new to all of this and very interested to get started. At first I will be getting about 3 chickens. I was wondering what will be the best kind of coop to build. I am going to build it behind my fence and work shop. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Thirdly, don't plan on 3 chickens even if that is your plan, you're REALLY gonna want more chickens, even if you don't need them, your're still gonna want me! I'm pretty sure most everyone here will agree!
And welcome to the insanity!
Cheryl is right! I have five americauna chicks, three weeks old, and after finding this site, I want two of everything! lol, and I don't even have a tractor yet! The chicks are in a tote on the dining room table, with a window screen to cover. (At two weeks they were already trying to fly out!) I love my chicks and I love this website. It has already been a godsend.
3 chickens...


Started out with 12. Increased to 25. Now up to 100 and more chicks coming next week. All in two years. You do the math. Thay multiply fast! THREE? Yeah, sure!

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