Coop Design

Thank you for all of the advice.

Why is it that even when the coop did not have the nesting box they still refused the roost? Could it be that they are square pegs and not round and they don't like that on their feet?

I will try all of these suggestions and make the adjustments this weekend.

Unfortunately we cannot free range the chickens as we have a hawk sitting and watching them as well as a dog who can't wait to take a bite. When I read about the amount of space needed for each chicken I assumed that was total and thus included the run. I will be extending the run as soon as possible and it will also be on the dirt so they can dig a little as I have started to have some behavioral problems as well.


You're welcome. I don't think the shape of the roosting bars had anything to do with it. Most of the roosting bars I've seen have just been 2 X 4s, and the chickens readily use them. I think the reasons they didn't use them are either that they do not have enough space between the roosting bars, or there is not enough space between the roosting bars and the wall, or the roosting bars are not high enough, or likely a combination of all those reasons. If you extend your run onto the dirt, make put a hardware cloth skirt on the outside of the perimeter covered over by some dirt or rock to prevent digging predators from getting into your run. Good luck in making your roosting bar and run adjustments.
Hello again!

Today I spent some time making coop adjustments. I put up a semi temporary block which doesn't allow the chickens to sleep on top of the nesting box. It is made of chicken wire as I didn't want to block the two windows above the nesting box. In addition, I added a roosting bar which is higher than any other point in to coop. I even placed one of the chickens on top to show them. They are able to access it from a variety of methods.

However, I just went down to check on the chickens and see where they are sleeping....and they are sleeping IN THE NESTING BOX! I know they shouldn't be sleeping in the nesting box but I don't know what to do. Should I just take down my temporary block of chicken wire and allow them to keep sleeping on top of the nesting box.

Thank you
Hello again!

Today I spent some time making coop adjustments. I put up a semi temporary block which doesn't allow the chickens to sleep on top of the nesting box. It is made of chicken wire as I didn't want to block the two windows above the nesting box. In addition, I added a roosting bar which is higher than any other point in to coop. I even placed one of the chickens on top to show them. They are able to access it from a variety of methods.

However, I just went down to check on the chickens and see where they are sleeping....and they are sleeping IN THE NESTING BOX! I know they shouldn't be sleeping in the nesting box but I don't know what to do. Should I just take down my temporary block of chicken wire and allow them to keep sleeping on top of the nesting box.

Thank you
No. Just block off the nest boxes at night. Stuff towels in there or an old blanket or something. Just keep them locked out at night. You can open them up in the morning. After a week of sleeping on the roost bar they should quit with sleeping anywhere else.

Make sure your roost bars are accessible. Have you seen them on the bars? Can they use them? Are they in a draft free area? Do they need a ladder to get up on them? If they are not in a good place, the birds may not be able to use them well enough and that is why they are choosing to sleep in or on top of the boxes. Make sure the roost bars allow for all the birds to line up and snuggle together. A 2x4 with the 4 side up works really well. Give them at least 1 foot of space per bird on the bars. Not too high off the floor either. Keep them accessible.
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Chickens are so silly and I am enjoying getting to learn about them and having the support of all of you.

Every night I have been putting the chickens on the roost. I was starting to feel like maybe it was difficult to get to so I decided I will build a ramp this weekend. However, in the mean time I keep putting them on the roost. Today I just walked into the coop and they all looked at me like okay fine and jumped onto the roost themselves. So silly.

Thanks for all the help!

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