Coop done, must show it off!

Fabulous coop -- Glad to hear that you and the hubs remain intact to do battle over trivial matters another day

This coop is awesome -- you have a lot to be proud of here. Lucky lucky hens...

On the issue of insulating -- I know a lot of people don't insulate... I am in southern Ohio and I sure intend to insulate. We are beginning our project this week. It may not be necessary... but when our temps dip to five I will be a worrisome wreck if my girls are left out in the cold.

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Nice looking coop. I am finishing mine up tommorow and will post some pics. I am in Mass right on the VT border, my girls have seen down to -20 and I don't insulate my coop. When it gets below 0 I put a couple of heat lamps in the coop and run them overnight.
I love it! Especially the little details like the widow box. You did awesome! Sorry about your budget. I have heard that you create a budget and then double it... but these things happen, right? At least your girls have a palace all their own!!!

Wow! That is nicer than some houses I've seen in Kentucky! You should be very proud of yourself. You should enter it in one of the coup contest here.

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