coop fire

You mentioned that they inhaled smoke; she may have some scorching in her air sacs or a burned trachea. Sometimes after smoke inhalation human lungs will start to accumulate fluid; I'm not sure if it's the same with chickens. I would put her on an antiobiotic as a preventative measure; especially if her breathing appears to be compromised.
so sorry to hear of this shocking event!
I hope all the chickies recover and it was not worse.
Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear you and your chicks are going through this. I have such a fear of a fire in the coop - I am thinking about letting my babies brave the cold, rather than using the heat lamp this year. Scares me to death.

I will keep you and your chickens in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how they are doing.

What a horrible thing to have to deal with! Those poor girls are going to be something else to get calmed down. Between the trauma and smoke damage, you may need to get them in a humid place for a short while to keep the lungs lubricated. Atleast call a Vet as soon as you can.

Its one of the many reasons I do not like heat lamps/electricity in a hen house. Sometimes poultry coops have just the right amount dust to cause combustion. I cannot imagine the sounds from any animal in such a panic.
Aconite, great idea, why didn't I think of that!!! If I were you, I'd try it right away, and still give them all Rescue Remedy. Hey, who would have thought I'd find a fellow homeopath here on BYC. Awesome!
Wow , I am sorry for your chickens. I think I'd be out there all day with special treats. I'm sure they have smoke inhalation, burning eyes, and may be a bit shocky from fear.
If the not walking one likes to be held, maybe you can hold her.
...just checking to see how your chicklets are doing today. Keep us posted! (I'm sure having a coop fire is everyones nightmare, who has a heat source in their coop).
This is horrible to hear. I wish you the best of luck with your chickies. However, I do not want to sound doomish, but I would not have too high of hopes for the ones with closed eyes that are gasping and just hanging in the coop. In my experience when I have seen this, the chicken was beyond help and died shortly after. Again do what you can for them, accidents happen and if you do loose a few, dont be too hard on your self. You can only do what you can do.
Well, good news...they are all doing much better today. They are clearly still recovering, but definitely on the mend. I did give aconite to the one that was having the hardest time, and within a short while she was walking around, and hanging out with the other girls for the first time that day! And today she is even better. So, I think no long term damage, and they are still laying...I had wondered if shock would maybe cause them to stop for a spell! Thanks for the support!

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