Coop Floor - reasons not to use chix wire?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 25, 2007
Kensington, CA
We live in the Bay Area in CA so can do this, but are seriously thinking our coop floor will be chicken wire, and then the droppings will fall below and we'll be able to scoop them right into the compost. Have framed a 4X6 coop out, 3 nesting boxes, max 6 chickens. The enclosure / run has been very slow going to build, as we dug out a 1 ft trench all around - and then buried chix wire and added cinderblocks and dirt under 4x4 posts to keep predators out, our main concern. Total run is 15 x 15.

I read posts where people are asking what to put down - is there a reason to put anything down? A reason the floor can't be open when the area is totally secure? Thanks!
Well...they say that using chicken wire for the floor is hard on their feet and causes them foot problems. As far as chicken wire on the sides....many on here can tell you how they've lost chickens due to predators simply making the holes larger and going right in! Chicken wire is very flimsy for the most part and usually only good for the top of the run. I'm sure others will weigh in...good luck!
Wire is not the best thing for their feet...however, if they have a run and will spend little time in the coop, it probably wouldn't be a big problem. Just know that you may encounter feet problems and have a Plan B if the wire doesn't work out.
FYI...My hens probably spend less than 1 hour per day in the coop (on the floor) eating and drinking. They are outside 14 hours per day and at night are on the roosts.
Raccoons will go right through chicken wire. They will reach their little raccoon hands through the holes, rip the wire and tear parts off your chickens while theyare alive. The only places we use chickenwire are in the garden to fence the hens out of the tomatoes and under hardware cloth to keep babies in a fenced area during the day for play time.
I think you may have a problem with the hardware cloth now that I think about it...the chicken poop will not go through it!!! So it will not accomplish what you want.
Well I will reinforce the enclosure, but not change the coop floor. The idea being that nothing will get to the coop - except the chickens ofcourse! Thanks!

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