Coop Floor- Sand or Deep Litter?

Rough as in just not smooth....or rough in that there are sharp things that could cut a foot?
If you can walk on it barefoot, then the chickens can.....but if there are sharp points ridges that could cut skin, you might want to grind it down somehow.
A cut on a chickens foot can get infected causing a condition known as bumblefoot and can be nasty with a long treatment/healing time.

As long as the concrete does not hold water anywhere, I'd just cover it with 3-4 inches of pine shavings, but there are lots of options in bedding depending on how you plan to manage manure. Do a search on poop boards, will make your floor bedding lats much longer.
The cement is rough as in not smooth. We do plan to install poop boards also. What size pine shavings is best?
What about filler for the nesting boxes? Straw, hay, shaving or something else?
Thank you for the information.
The cement is rough as in not smooth. We do plan to install poop boards also. What size pine shavings is best?
What about filler for the nesting boxes? Straw, hay, shaving or something else?
Thank you for the information.
I like a mix of sand and PDZ 1/2" deep on the roost boards, large flake pine shavings for the floor, and straw in the nests and try to use a 'flake' of straw as it holds up to scratching, stays together to cushion the eggs and forms nice bowl.

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