Coop for cold winters


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 24, 2011
I have a large metal sided woodshed that I'm going to convert half into my coop. I am planning on siding the interior walls as well...should I insulate as well? We get a pretty stiff winter wind out of the NW that will blow almost directly on the nw corner of the shed. The wood stays dry all winter, so I don't have any leaks....I just want to be sure it will be warm enough in the cold winter months. We are talking under 20deg for most of the winter and plenty of sub-zero days as well.

I will also be installing heat lamps above the roosts as well as summer ventilation that can be closed if necessary. I'll still leave the run open during the day if the weather isn't too nasty.

I used to live in Washington St., so none of this frigid cold weather was ever a concern for the chickens I had.
I just read that I don't need heat lamps....good,good,good
Especially w/metal, I like the idea of some kind of insulation to help prevent condensation. Be sure you leave enough ventilation up high (well above roosts) to help warm, moist air to escape. Adding heat or not is a personal issue...some do/some don't. Since you said you guys get a lot of wind, think of ways (straw bales, tarps, etc.) to block wind around your run area.
We converted our metal shed - insulation is a must for the roof because of condensation. We used styrofoam sheets under plywood, framed it all out. There are photos on my Hen House page, maybe an idea will be good for you. Good luck!
I have a metal roof on my horse barn. I never have condensation freeze inside the roof; yet I have seen it in a big horse barn with a zillion horses in for the winter for training. The difference, IMO, is that my barn is so well ventilated: the air is moving and refreshing at a high rate so the moisture cannot build up in the air and then condense on the ceiling. My point: while you will benefit from insulaitng the metal walls, making the walls tight to eliminate draft is important and creating purposeful air current is a must. THese birds give off a huge amount of moisture for such small creatures. Moisture is more deadly to their health than the cold. Ceiling vents are not enough IMO; planning ventialtion can be tricky,a nd usually need more rather than less. Perhaps consider the side opposite the prevailing wind for ventilation. Good luck.

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