Coop ideas?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 20, 2011
I have a very large shed I have used over the years for my 8 ducks and 3 guinea fowl and rabbit but now Im thinking of getting chickens and I have run out of space in my old shed I would like to recycle things around my yard any ideas?!
Sheds work great, they just need a few modifications (like a roost, nesting boxes, latching doors, ventilation, maybe a pop door...)

Mine have a 7'x 3' shed with a folding table (doubles the walking space) and 2 roosts, the doors also latch and it has 2 windows (wire instead or plexiglass) and a vent so they have plenty of ventilation.
Its about 12x8. Im thinking over getting 6 chickens and we have quite the variety of materials
you might want to use that shed for your gunieas and chickens and just build addintional coop for ducks. 8x12 or 12x18, don't you think it would enough for total of 17 birds in all ?
I mean I have 3 ducks and 22 chickens and people suggested me to get either 10x10 or 8x12 ( 96-100 sq ft ) I agree with recent comment that all you have to build is nesting boxes to lay their eggs and roosting bars for them to sleep on. Good luck
What state are you in? if they can be outside all day everyday then they don't need that much space, but if they might have to stay in the coop for a whole day then they need about 3-4 sq. per birds.

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