Coop Interior Help/Thoughts, Please: Sketched ideas on page 2

Just wanted to post a few pictures from this afternoon. Hubby eventually made a command decision; I'm a classic overthinker/planner and was trying to plan for every possible eventuality. This is one of the many reasons he and I work so well together. ;)

We've had a lot going on so progress is slow, but things are coming together:

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Hubby has this week off—we were asked to host a church BBQ on first on 6/27, that was just moved to Independence Day, so we have been juggling tasks a bit!—so things should now move along pretty quickly, since three of my friend's teen sons have been coming over to help us out with party stuff. Don't you miss the days of big families? Especially when the eldest son has his first car to buy things for. Talk about eager to earn! ;) (We also no longer have two 8# pork shoulders in the deep freeze.)

The chicks are to arrive around 7/22. Not sure if I am excited or nervous! This has been a long time coming.

Hubby is keen on the deep litter method, so no poop boards. He said if we change our minds they won't be too difficult to add, so okay.

Four of the window are from a 1960s Yellowstone that had been sitting on the property for thirty years when we purchased the land. Alas, it was too far gone to be restored—we've wanted a vintage RV for years and years now, so if it were possible, we would have used that one! At least we were able to salvage some things from it, including nearly all of the windows and light fixtures. Putting them into the coop seemed like a good idea; we just backed them (and all the others) with HC screwed & washered in.

Hubby is not sure how to get the HC up between the rafters to cover those upper openings. Any ideas?

I've also been thinking more about run placement. Here is a rear view (thank you Katie for photobombing from the upstairs window):


Initially we were going to have a long, narrow run shooting out the narrow side of the coop, but now I am thinking that with the light tree cover, the majority of the run could head back into this area, behind the coop. A fair bit of it could shoot out the narrower side, but why not give the birds some cool shade? During our hot, muggy summers, they might appreciate that.

So that is where we are. :) I am the Queen of Planning (and Overplanning), so after some fretting and discussion, Hubby made a Command Decision, pointing out that if things need to change later, we can change them without much trouble. One of the many reasons we work so well together!
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Stupid question. Why have the door to the place open inwards? It reduces the available area of useful space inside, and means that you can't use a traditional door jamb and weather stripping to keep the elements out. Much prefer a door that opens outwards, possibly with a downward folding "inspection window" backed by hardware cloth for just "checking in" on things - though with all those windows, you don't need that option unless you can't comfortably look in through windows at that height.

also, and I know its way too late to do anything easily about it, but why is the roof so shallow??? Traditional 5v and corrugated roofing panels have a mfg recommended minimum pitch of 3/12, just like shingles.

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