coop is beside field? pesticides?


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
So my property is entirely surrounded by field. I have my chicken coop at the edge of the rpoperty. I have built it there and now have no way of really moving it.

So how much will my chickens be affected by the pesticides? Since my chickens will be free roaming the property anyways, they will be surrounded by field.
What pesticides are being used, how often, and in what dosages? If you can answer those questions, you can get realistic answers to your question, either by doing research online or contacting the manufacturer of the pesticide and asking them.
Ridgerunner pretty well summed it up. Go talk to the farmer whose fields surround you and ask him what he uses! That's the only way you are going to know for sure. No one here can help you without knowing what pesticides the farmer uses!


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