Coop is Finished !!


13 Years
May 20, 2010
The coop is finally finished and the chickens home!! I only wanted three birds but ended up with five. One Frizzle, one maren, one polish and two EE's.

I decided to finish above the door and under the run with hardware cloth. I wanted the extra measure of protection.

I added the link to my page with a better description of the project.


Great Job!!..Looks great. How long did it take you and how much did cost you for the entire project? I am planning to build a coop similar to yours.
Very nice coop and good job! Looks Great!

Thanks for taking lots of pictures and explaining your contruction as you went!
I finished the project around $275.00. But remember, that is with donated material from friends and scrap / cut lumber from the hardware store. It took alot of planning to build with four foot boards rather than buying a 8 foot piece. (The scrap cuts were all 4 foot). The hardware cloth was the most expensive. I have about 100.00 worth of it. I can't tell you how many times I miss cut a board. (Measure twice, cut once.)

I didn't factor in the new saw blade since I dulled my old one ripping the treated lumber. I also purchased a staple gun from Harbor Freight that is not reflected in the cost. Extra section of fence and some full length boards added to the final total.

Now the extras start. I want to purchase lighting for inside the coop and a wireless camera to monitor from inside. I'll have to run electric to the coop for this which will add to the cost.
Thank you everyone for the comments on the coop.
I just installed a security camera in the coop to watch them in the evening. It's interesting to see them nudge each other for the best spot on the perch. I assume the dominant one gets her spot but so far, they are still working out who is top bird.

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