Coop or trees


Aug 22, 2023
Hi all I have an Indian blue peahen and I'm getting an opal black shoulder hen and a black shoulder cock Saturday. I used to have 3 peafowl 2 cocks and a hen I split them up because the cocks were bullying the hen. I have a big pen for them they were sleeping outside in the pen on roosts and a predator got in and killed my 2 peacocks back in July I am so devastated the predator is sorted. So now I want to give the new peafowl their best chances so should they sleep in trees or a coop?
now I want to give the new peafowl their best chances so should they sleep in trees or a coop?

If you can build a coop that is completely predator-proof, that should be the safest place for them to sleep.

Whether trees are safe will depend on the trees and the predators. Sleeping high enough in a tree will be good protection against dogs (that cannot climb trees) but not against raccoons or cats (which can climb trees.) Sleeping on a low branch of a tree may not protect against dogs, if the dog can jump as high as the bird is roosting.

A tree that is nice and bushy may protect against owls or hawks, but a tree with bare open branches will not. A roof is usually a very good protection from flying predators.

the predator is sorted.
So you are thinking about possible future predators? I notice you are in Ireland, and I don't know what wild predators you are likely to have there (I'm in the USA.) Dogs are a possibility almost everywhere because people keep them as pets, and pet dogs tend to escape at unpredictable times.
There is not dogs but there is minks pinemartens foxes badgers the stray cat but he's used to them owls are very rare. Yes I can make a coop for them. Thanks for your reply.
Would you say this chick is a pure Indian blue or a spalding? What genetics would she have?
Will do that. Now I have 4 peafowl I know I have 2 peahens and 1 peacock but I don't know the last one I'll make a new thread foer him/her. I will put hardware cloth on my breeding pens.

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