Ended Coop Page Contest #2 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!


I wanna! I wanna!

Is there still time for me to enter?

Can anyone give a link to the feeder/waterer and brooder contest threads? I'm definitely ready to submit something for those two. It may take me a little more time to put something together for the coop page, unless a chicken run counts.

Is there a creative chicken run contest too? LOL.....
What timing.


Here is our coop!

"Hinkel Haus" made of pallets and recycled wood picket fencing
From PA!

Hinkel is PA Dutch for Chicken btw! DETAILS FOLLOWING Final coop Pics!

Mostly recycled materials for the coop, two paint colors, all we have to finish up is our storage "step" under the door for chicken treats, ACV etc. Plans for using more pickets for the step box!
OH and some more purdy landscaping!



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