Ended Coop Page Contest #5 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

Oh yah! I've researched and learned a ton! And some days it still is not enough. I am full of chicken knowledge that is good for nothing more than raising chickens! Lol. Beautiful work there to you and DH. You guys lay around on the couch and watch tv much?! Hahaha.
I think they need to change the competition to best coop of 2014 or something, October isn't really spring or summer anymore...

@norcalchet I enjoyed your article, it was funny
You can edit and add to the article after the contest winners are announced, but we are busy judging the entries now. The winner will be announced soon
@sumi Thanks for the quick reply, I was just wondering because the competition rules stated that a one week notice was to be given before the closing of the competition.

Good luck to everyone, there are some pretty nice coops in the competition, so the judges are going to have a hard time deciding a winner.
I'm like you Teachick.... this is the first coop that I've built ......in fact....the first building I've done at all! Had to do everything 2x to get it right.. the first try was always wrong..
I looked at so many coops on here and read so much to learn the correct way or the chicken's needs, or what I need to consider for different seasons or breeds....DANG!!! LOLOL...
Don't think mine will win because mine is not fancy but I used about 80% recycled/free materials. But I can't wait for the next contest!!

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