Coop pics****

A few months ago I got the chicken fever and talked my eggceptional husband into building me a chicken church coop. Since you backyard folks were such an inspiration, I wanted to share the finished product with you.

After 2 weeks in the coop, this was the first day they were let out in the run, via the automated door which will be set for dusk to dawn open and close feature.

I wanted an outside egg collection door so I don't have to actually walk inside the coop.

The girls inside their coop are 4 Americaunas and 4 Barred Rocks at the age of 2 months.
Well, mine is still a work in progress... right now we are calling the entire undertaking The Chicken Hendrix Experience

Clearing out the area near the shed and garden for the future coop:

Framed the walls and put a protective stain on:

Put together the walls in the driveway

Moved the structure to the area behind the shed with the help of my brother-in-law:

Put up the rafters, purlins, and roof this last weekend while my father had some time to help:

We still have a lot of work to do, I will have to check back in after the weekend with some updated progress!
Here's some photos of my coop and run, I didn't have any plans but just built it from photos on found on the internet. I also built it on my own, so it took me a few months to complete.
I'm happy to say my chickens have been home for a month now and seem to be enjoying their coop and run.
I'm enjoying giving them different veggies and turning the dirt in some of the grazing beds for the worms.

My son and I built this coop last month for our 3 young Buff Brahmas, we hope they will be laying by Halloween.

The coop has a footprint of 4x8 feet and the chickens have a fenced area around the coop that is 11x60 feet that they can roam and scratch during the day.

All your chicken coops make me feel like mine are living in a chicken third world country

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