coop picture thread?

Here is the inside of mine and we're finishing painting the outside this weekend so can post more pics then. :) That is the broody box in the corner and in another week the box walls will tuck away and the whole floor will be deeply bedded with shavings. We're going to put in some low, removable roosts and some hanging PVC feeders.
This what they have now.

This is the start of what they will end up in.

Here is mine. These are older pics. I made some minor changes, like adding a tin roof and a second shade tarp because of the florida heat. So far, Its housing 7 chickens just fine.

This is my coop I built. Its not pretty but it does the job. Now I still have to paint it and I decided to put a dog kennel around it because I didnt have time or space to build the run like I wanted to but that will be a future project. I do have one question about this. My chickens will go up the ramp but they arent coming down the ramp. Judging by the pictures is my ramp too steep? Are the rungs I put on it too far apart (if you can tell)? Let me know if I did anything wrong since I am kinda new to raising chickens. Thanks.

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