coop picture thread?

Here is our backyard coop...built by my handy DH! I was the designer and construction supervisor...LOL!

Here are pics of the coop & run I built on wheels for my 6 chicks. The coop is 4' X 6' and the run is 4' X8' with hardware cloth (1/2 inch) also on bottom of run due to lots of predators on my property
Here's my coop. It holds my 3 hens. It has some tweaking yet to do on the nesting box but the girls aren't using that yet. I love it. It is easy to clean and simple. I'd love a larger run but the girls run loose in the yard most days anyway so it is good as it is.

My husband built it! He's never made anything like this before and he had a good time with it.

How pretty!! Is it difficult to clean when you can walk into it?

Ours is easy to clean. The coop sits about waist height, and the back pretty well opens up. I lift out the board that keeps (some of) the shavings in, and use a scoop to pull it all out into a wheelbarrow. I can also easily reach in and lift out the poop tray over the nesting boxes. Works great. The floor is covered in FRP, and the walls and poop boards are covered in plastic that Home Depot sells for showers and backsplashes.


There is mine. She just got inspected we are all legal now.

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heres the main coop and the duck pen. still working on things all the time and these pics are from a bit ago - but it has come a long way!!

old drawer nest box has divider and the bottom is a crate that slides out for easy collecting and cleaning.

the main coop is 8X8 (a small run will be added to the back for more room) to the right is the duck pen.

the duck hut complete with banana patch for bug hunting

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