Coop placement relative to the house?? (Smell? Noise?)

a very short vid of the noise my chickens make when threatened by a predatory hawk. We have 13 bantams. This noise happens about once a day or two, more often when the neighbor's cat is buggering them. When this noise is followed by complete silence, we can go outside to visit with the hawk, who's either on the ground about to be attacked by Silkies, or if its smart, it will be within sight like this photo of one on the coop roof, so we get to "birdwatch" whatever the chickens attract!
Are you going to free range them? Mine are close to the house and free range daily. If for some reason I need to keep them in, however, the noise of 15 disgruntled birds can be a tad annoying (if you're looking for silence). Still, it's worth it to have them so close. Really worth it!
First, thanks to all of you who have responded! I just love the fact that BYC is such an active community!

You have confirmed my plans to place my coop near the house so that I can see it from the kitchen windows. I think I will, as many of you suggested, be much more likely to visit the coop often if it is close by. Also, when the weather is very hot, cold, or wet, I’ll be less likely to delay tending to them.

Having it close by is a good idea also because predators are a real issue here. I have five cats (working barn cats!) as well as a LOT of raccoons, coyotes, owls, and others. I think because of this I will build an extra-large run and not even consider free range.

I plan to have 4-6 chickens (but that does not take in account “chicken math”). I am going to build the coop plenty big for ten to twelve chickens so that I can grow into it as I learn. I read the thread about what is considered indispensible in a coop and will consider everything said there. Being in Texas, I am closely following the new-ish thread on roof choices (due to the heat here—we had over 100 days of 100+ heat this summer and very, very, very little rain).

Thanks for all who chimed in and please, if you are reading this thread and haven’t responded yet, please add your two cents as well. I will continue to follow and see what everyone has to say.
Here's something you need to consider when placing your coop....SHADE!!!!....I also live in Texas and your chickens will need as much shade as you can give them in the summer. Another thing....breeze...are there buildings and such that will block your chicken coop and run? You don't want the cold drafts you get in the winter but in the summer....any breeze ...even if it's a hot better than none at all. Water? Do you have access to a water hose? You might need to hook up a misting system in the summer to keep your birds cool. You're on the right track by keeping the heat problem in your planning. It would be better to walk a few extra steps and have healthy cool birds than it would be to have them close and hot. If you can give it all to them by having them close to your house...I say close is good! Plan your coop and run for the heat. It's easy to close them up with plexiglass and such to keep them warm but cooling them off is a whole other ball game. Good Luck to you!

Oh, and one more thing, I'd plan on more chickens than you are saying. Trust me on this one!
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I wouldn't put the coop too far from your house because of predators. You should get used to hearing roosters crow. I love to hear them.
My coop and run are attached directly to the west wall of the house which has five windows in it. We don't mind the noise, matter of fact, we enjoy it, and there has never been an issue with odor. It's kinda cool to look out the kitchen window to see who's on the nests.
My coop and run is about 20 feet from my bedroom window. With the shape of my yard it was the easiest/best placment with lots of sun early in the day and shade for the last part (hottest part of the day in the summer). Other than my rooster at 2am (I have a street light that shines in their coop window and sets him off I think) I don't notice much. I think its good to keep it close so you will keep it cleaner so you don't have to smell it. I also have not (knock on wood) had a single predator yet, which is probly mostly due to my dog to but its a good thot anyway.
Here's our setup (built right under the front porch), and we love it.


Five chickens and no odor/predator problems (we run a tight ship) to date. 99% of the time, we don't hear a thing from them.
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My coop is on one end of our nearly 7 acres. I can still hear the roosters pretty loudly standing on our porch. Inside the house, not really an issue. My chickens only smell badly when I forget to add another layer of bedding or they bury a fish instead of eating it.
My chickens (11) coop/run is about 100 feet from the back door, the prevailing breeze takes what ever smell the run may make down wind. The coop itself does not smell, has good ventilation. The run has sand that can be a litttle stinky if it stays wet from the weather, so I replace now and then inbetween raking to dry it. I smell nothing in or near the house. I like the coop near so during bad weather I don't have to walk far to take care of the girls, especially at night.

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