Coop run hi,an entry door.


7 Years
Aug 10, 2012
Hi, all. My first banty chicks are being shipped in less than a month now! I am working on the run, using hardware cloth for the fencing and top, including a 24 inch shirt around the outside to prevent digging predators. My question is how do I protect the bottom of the human door entering the run? It has to swing a bit off the ground and I don't want anything to get in under it. What are some solutions?
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What I did was dig out under where the door will be. I came out some in front of the door. I poured a bag of quickcrete and water and smoothed it out. After it dried I then put some dirt just over the top of the the concrete just so it would look nicer. If something digs at the door, they will hit the concrete.
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