Coop/run size questions

-would definitely recommend a run constructed of sturdy material (considering predators). Chickens need space to roam. Also, they need plenty of ventilation or open air time especially in places with hot climates like Florida. A run would allow them to be out in the open air while being protected.
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I am building a run and I'm planning on 2 nest boxes since the recommended number is 1 for every 4 chickens and I have a total of 8 chicks. Does anyone know if a 5'6"x6' coop attached to a 6'x14' run will work for 8 chickens. And with this space would I need to have external nest boxes or would having them inside the coop not take up too much of the space. I would really appreciate an answer as my little ones are already 2 weeks old so I need to get a move on getting their coop started. Thanks
My chickens are only in the coop to lay or to roost for the night. The 2 nest boxes will not take up too much space. They need the most space in their enclosed run. I have 4 hens in the same size coop you are planning. I also let mine out of the run most of the day to roam the backyard. Again, they spend most of their time out of the coop.
Best wishes to your adventure. Chickens are so much fun if they are pets. Mine follow us around, come to us when called, and will allow us to hold them. Spend as much time as you can conditioning them to human contact and they will attach themselves to you.
Thank you cmclean! I also expect mine to spend most of the time in the run all year round since our winters are so mild. I'm also thinking of going with an open air design so they will have access to the run at all times as well. The one thing I'm stumped on right now is how to place the food and water containers in the run area so that I don't have to go in the run to refill them. I can't wait until they are at the stage that they will follow us around :) Right now they are still a bit afraid when I reach into their brooder.
What type of chickens ? Different breeds vary In size. For a medium sized breed you will need a minimum of 32 square feet for 8 bird coop. That's not including nest boxes. If your attacking the boxes to the side of the coop your 5'6" x 6" coop is the bare minimum for 8 birds. If your boxes are inside your coop then it will be too small. Your 6" x 14" run is also bare minimum but will work. I've seen smaller and the chickens seemed miserable but alive. I guess it all depends on how happy you want them to be.

I tried to take a pic to show you the gate open from the chicken run into the backyard.
One more thing to get for the coop.... An automatic door opener for the little pop door into the coop. You can set it up with a timer to open every morning and close every evening. The best money you will ever spend on the coop!!!!!!!
cmclean, the run will be 6' tall and will have a human sized door. I might look into those pvc feeders and waterers. They seem very interesting. I'm thinking of an open air coop which will be open at all times.

Jersey Boy, I have 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 Golden Buffs, a Dominique, and a Silver Laced Polish. Thank you for your reply. Yes, I would like them to keep them alive and happy.
Two nest boxes will work fine for eight chickens. They are hilarious! Don't be surprised if all eight gals fight over just one nest box. We have five nest boxes for seven hens. They all line up waiting for ONE. It's a hoot!

Your coop/run size should be adequate. If it is a possibility, a larger run might be preferrable. Also, the suggestion of a cover is spot on. If you have hawks, a covered run is essential.

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