I'm in the process of constructing my first chicken coop. It's for 6 chickens and is 5 ft x 5.5 ft. This is what I have so far. I plan to cut a window in on the south side for year round sunlight. I havent decided if I will make it an open/close window or just a pane of plexy-glass. I'm thinking of making white panels in the peaks vents. Would one vent be enough or should I make a vent on both sides? I don't want it to get too drafty either. The panels are about a foot high and 4 feet wide. Two vents will be great in summer, but should I board one up for the winter and just use one vent? There's plenty of room to hang a heat lamp as well, but I'd like to try and get by without. Any other suggestions welcome! Thanks! P.S. I live in Wisconsin, where winters are cold!