Cooping issues


In the Brooder
May 7, 2020
I cannot for the life of me get them to go into their coop by themselves for the night. When they were 6 weeks I locked them in there for a few days/nights then turned them out in their run. They are now 8 weeks old. They know their coop is the safe place and run in there when the dogs get to close. But it could be almost 9 and they still hang out in their run. I feel like i loved them to much because when I go in there they just flock to me and they definitely won't herd. I'm at a complete loss. What do I do? Pic of the coop and run.


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Hi there. I've read that a light in the coop can help get them in. They may stay out too late at this age and if it's dark in there they won't want to go in. I've herded mine before, not easy, and I've used a bit of scratch to get them into the coop before dusk, then closed the door and left them to figure it out. None was more successful than another and I haven't tried a light as mine usually figure it out in about a week.
Wow what a pretty coop! How well ventilated is it? I see a few windows, but are there other vents? Can you get a temperature reading inside and out, to see if heat might be a factor?

Also have you checked for mites? Easy way is to go in at night and run a paper towel under the roost, and look for tiny moving specks or red smears.
It's mostly the age they are.
I use a battery operated puck light to lure them in.
Turn it on around dusk then turn if off when you lock up after dark.

Or you could bring the dogs out to 'herd' them in?
They know their coop is the safe place and run in there when the dogs get to close. But it could be almost 9 and they still hang out in their run.

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