copywright infringement


11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
N.E. Ohio
Today I recieved an email from Road Runner accusing me of copywright infringement for downloading movies illegally. This was brought to their attention by the Motion Picture Association of America. They included a list of the movies I've watched, and when I supposedly downloaded them. The problem is that I NEVER downloaded any of them. In fact, I've never even heard of any of them lol. Someone has been using my wireless signal without my knowledge to do this. Not being a computer expert, I didn't even realize that it was an issue.

The part that really annoys me is that they threatened me with "serious legal and other consequences", whatever that means, and that we are "at risk of substantial monetary damages". Well, after spending 2 hours on the phone, I got it straightened it out, and now have my wireless signal encrypted, so it can't happen again. At least that's what the tech guy said.

To me, there's something wrong with this. Apparently, in these cases, you're guilty until proven innocent.

Anyway, I just thought I'd let anyone with wireless internet know. Make sure your network is protected.
Yep, gotta encrypt your wireless connection, that's for sure. And, don't have a "guest" connection open for your neighbors, either, unless it's password protected. I've seen people who do that. You never know who might be using it.
If you are not encrypted, anyone driving down the street with a wireless signal can take any information off your computer including cc numbers you have used to purchase things. Take care of that!!!!
Hold on.

Something doesn't sound right.

Roadrunner was informed of this by the Motion Picture what company? That's really peculiar. Why would some other company be notifying them of that? Why would Roadrunner be the one emailing you then?

Contact the Roadrunner company directly as well as the other company named - look up the company website and get their phone number and call them - DON'T use any numbers on the email.

AND look on each website for notice of fake emails being sent out. Most companies today include such warnings on their websites.

The email may not even have come from them. Wait til you get all the facts.

It's very common for someone to send out emails that look like official business with a big company.

DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY UNTIL you can independently verify that the email is actually not a fake.

Just take your time, a day to check it out and verify it won't hurt anything.

I am CONSTANTLY getting emails made to look like they come from Company XYZ saying I owe them a bundle of dough. AND emails from the 'FBI' and a whole lot of other garbage.
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Oh, this was legit. I talked to my internet provider (Time Warner Cable). The Motion Picture Association of America, they are some sort of trade organization that represents the motion picture, and television industries. They had to contact me through Road Runner, since RR won't give out your email address.

Redhen, if you have wireless internet, and are not encrypted, call your service provider and they will fix you up.

If this is so important, why aren't everyone's wireless signals already encrypted? It makes no sense to me. Once I got an actual English speaking tech guy on the phone, he took care of it in 30 seconds. Unfortunately, it took almost 2 hours for me to get that guy lol.

BTW, I have nothing against people who don't speak English, it's just the only language I understand.
I know!! Thats my problem! And WHY i avoid calling Verizon... I CANT get a freakin English speaking tech person on the phone! Then i have to keep saying.."Huh/ What did you say?"
And then they get pissy with me....and i finally have to ask for someone that speaks English.... and then they say that they ARE speaking English.. NO you're NOT!
Gah! Rant over...
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This is also a heads up for people who might be using those file-sharing sites that let you download movies, etc. even though you weren't the culprit. Make sure they're legit and legal. So many people use these sites without knowing what they're doing is illegal.
While you're in there setting your encryption and password (don't forget to write it down!), it's a great time to rename your wireless device. I've seen "Shut your freakin dog up already", "Quit parking in my spot" and other little anonymous messages to the neighbors on failblog. Those nasty little pirate sites will also pirate your computer and kill your hard drive permanently and all sorts of nasty things, as I've been told by the family geeks. God bless my geeks.

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