Corid and Safeguard? Help!!!!


10 Years
Dec 14, 2013
Aiken, SC
Can Corid and Safeguard be administered at the same time? They have all been on Corid for 3 days now. I lost 2 girls today and 1 last week. they are about 4 months old. Last week I gave them all Wazine. That was before I found out that it is only for roundworms so I want to give them Safeguard.

The legbar that died today, had difficulty standing for close to 2 weeks though she would still eat and drink as normal. When I inspected her she had red mites.

So we dusted them all (38) with Sevin 5% and cleaned and sprayed the coop with Permethrin 10%, put some Sevin dust around the floor edges and nesting boxes and then put the pine shavings back in on top of it. After that, no more mites. I was not a infestation, just on a few of the flock.

Last week I found an Ameraucana dead in the corner of the run. She was the smallest of the girls and was being picked on and had some feathers missing on her back.

Late this afternoon while cleaning the coops I noticed the next smallest Ameruacana laying in the same corner of the run. I went to check on her and she was lethargic and seemed to have trouble breathing. I picked her up and held her a few minutes inspecting her. I checked for mites and she had none. She did have a somewhat pastie butt. When I put her back down, she started making a screaming noise, extended her neck then died. I don't know what to think about that.

I am going to send the 2 for necropsy tomorrow.

At first I thought it was parasites (Mites) Then worms, then cocci. Now I'm just not sure if anything is working. Currently all seems fine with the rest of them. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Since you used wazine last week, I seriously doubt it's worms. Large roundworms are the main culprit in pullets and do the most damage in young birds and wazine wouldve cleared them out. If it's cocci, you should be seeing some improvement by the third day. However if it's an amprolium resistant type of cocci, sulfadimethoxine or sulmet may be required to treat your birds. Mites can bring a bird down quickly causing anemia, then death. Sevin wouldve killed them. I recommend that you submit a fecal sample to a vet to find out if there's a cocci problem. All birds have cocci, it's when the microscopic slide is loaded with the protozoa is when there's a problem and treatment is required. A few cocci on the microscopic slide are normal. If it's not cocci, I recommend that you contact your local extension office and find out how to get a necropsy performed on one of your dead birds.
I don't have an answer, since I just started two weeks ago. I lost the very first girl I brought home within 4 days (she was looking unwell the second day) and was heartbroken - couldn't figure out what's wrong. I definitely recommend getting a necropsy on your dead birds for an answers since you've already tried all preventative measures! Also, you don't want to tax them too much by overdosing them on various treatments if they're already weakened by whatever is hurting them!
Since you used wazine last week, I seriously doubt it's worms. Large roundworms are the main culprit in pullets and do the most damage in young birds and wazine wouldve cleared them out. If it's cocci, you should be seeing some improvement by the third day. However if it's an amprolium resistant type of cocci, sulfadimethoxine or sulmet may be required to treat your birds. Mites can bring a bird down quickly causing anemia, then death. Sevin wouldve killed them. I recommend that you submit a fecal sample to a vet to find out if there's a cocci problem. All birds have cocci, it's when the microscopic slide is loaded with the protozoa is when there's a problem and treatment is required. A few cocci on the microscopic slide are normal. If it's not cocci, I recommend that you contact your local extension office and find out how to get a necropsy performed on one of your dead birds.

Thank you dawg53. I am still not certain what exactly happened, but after treating them all for mites, a 7 day round of Corid and probiotcs, all is well. They are very active and feeling good. I cleaned all the coops and nesting boxes, sprayed them with Permethrin 10, dusted all the flock with sevin dust. Repeated 7 days later. The cause is still a mystery. Perhaps it was mites on the Ameraucana. It was the smallest of all. I did not have the wobbles like the Legbar. I lost a Legbar pullet and an Ameraucana pullet. Here is a video of the Legbar barely able to stand but still was eating and drinking. She died later that day.


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