corn husk/silks

I don't know if mine are just super picky because they haven't touched the husk and now I have a cob (after we ate the corn on them :( ) in the coop and we will see if they will pick on it or...
I give them corn on the cob and they love it. I throw the husk and silk in the compost heap.
Maybe they are waiting for you to butter them.
I know my chicks don't want much to do with stuff they can't fit in their beaks but if i cut stuff into bite size for them they will eat it
so if the older chickens won't eat the husk is it because it doesn't fit in their beak or just don't like it?
Ok so I cut some up into bite sized pieces just big enough for 3wk old bitties they ate silk and husk
So is it okay to give it to them cause I shucked 9 cobs and my step dad tried to give it to them and I panicked cause I didn't know if they can eat it lol

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