Cornish questions. How to avoid them?


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
Alright, I am going to get my new chickies and since my youngest has no clue what he wants we are just going to let him see what looks cute. A lady at Tractor Supply told me this morning that she doesn't know all the breeds they will get, but will have RIR and Cornish and several others (I am really counting on the "several others" being cool!!). Now, Cornish are ALL meat birds, right? Or is it just the Cornish crossed with something else that have the health issues? I DO NOT want a meat bird. I want all my chickens to live long, healthy lives and would like lots of eggs, too. So, in order to avoid getting a Cornish by accident, do I just need to avoid all the soft, fuzzy, yellow babies? That is what I am assuming they will look like?
There is a bird called cornish, however, I find some feed stores here will go ahead and just say cornish and mean cornish x's.

To be safe, I would avoid anything that is light yellow and fluffy. Fat with thick legs and lots of poo in the bin is also a good indication of cornish x's.

Go for ones that are red, dark brown, black, spotted, and colorful!
I have heard that true Cornish bantams are great pet birds. I have never had one personally but the ones that are in different colors are very pretty.

Can you ask the manager what they REALLY are? I know my Atwoods has both Cornish and Cornish Xs (which are labeled as broilers).
I am almost afraid they won't even know what they are (or take the time to tell me......) they have seemed VERY confused about the whole chick thing. So, I will just avoid anyone who is soft, fuzzy, and yellow.

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