Cornish Thread

Hatchery Cornish aren't bad layers, but if you get anything breeder quality or better, don't expect many. If you aren't interested in breeding good quality and you have hatchery birds, it is all up to you. The culls I have had go in my freezer and they are awesome even when a couple of months old they make really good little "Cornish Game Hens" like you see in the grocery store. My processor doesn't like doing them that small, but I cull them when I know it is time to go and sometimes it is nice to have a couple of small birds. My mother-in-law lives alone so I am giving her some of those ones.
You will see some variation in the chicks, but they should all feather the same.

It is cool that you got your hands on some, Nava.  But please, don't make them NNs, they would really look like freaks!  LOL!!!

Can you see it now?
So chunky and not much plucking, my mouth it's watering just picturing all that exposed meat ready to be grilled.
I'm off work early so ill post some pics of my new acquired birds, with 4 chicks they gave me already.
ok here we go, i got theswe pair of bantams please be honest real honeset,first time with these breed,so all the opinions are welcome,
the rooster was in bad shape when i got him, but his feathers are growing in.

i had them in quarantene for a month now i took some photos, and from 4 of their chicks too.

and these are the chicks i got from them, some are lighter than others is that normal?

So, you're going from Naked Necks to Half-Naked chickens?

I think the pullet looks good and that roo may fill out nice once he gets some weight and feathers back on him. Poor guy!
The chicks already have little tree trunk legs on them!
The pullet is a bit light, but she has good width in her legs, as does the rooster. I would say you may have a good start providing that he comes around, as I am sure he will knowing that you take such good care of your feathered friends!
What color are they going to grow up to be? I have only ever seen dark Cornish colors never lighter colors?
Those look like DCs. They will be good in the freezer, but they may lay a decent enough number of eggs if you keep some pullets. My first birds were hatchery DC hens from Welp, and they laid great even in the cold, until my dogs had them for lunch one day.
Lolim teying desparetly to teach my dogs not to eat them so we can free range. .. but thats not going so well. Lol. I would like tp keep a roo to cross with my white rocks for meat but as it turns out im pretty good at feather sexing and have all pullets im almost positive. Lol figured id get at least one wrong!

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