Cornish Thread

The other cockrels has a pea comb.
This guy has A rockin

At least it's not a telescoping comb. Check out this horror on one of mine. Culled him, a disqualification. Kept getting uglier and uglier as he grew. Too bad, he was a meaty fellow, If he would have been nicer I'd have kept him. Went for my shoes and then went for the hens (in a mean way). 3 strikes, YER OUT! Goodbye.

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It may seem odd to most folks but we don't worry about hateful cockerels/cocks. We wear season-appropriate footwear and jeans or other clothing of tough material.

I know there will be dissenting opinions but I think lots of good cocks have been killed and 'woosified' birds were kept to take their place, reducing the overall strength of testosterone in many flocks. The same folks will say that there is no correlation between the sweet character and being effete but we have never had a problem with cocks being infertile.

'hard/mean' cocks can be controlled by swift kicks or or a small staff. My daughter weighs less that 120 pounds and she deals with two hateful birds several times a day. Of course, we don't sell breeding stock...any birds that leave here are dressed and wrapped.
Well, if you neutered a manfighter, he will definitely loose a good chunk of his aggression when the testosterone finally leaves his system, but according to the old game chicken breeders, most times a manfighter was also a coward. Many "aggressive" dogs are actually fear biters. My asils are the very embodiment of machismo in the chicken world, and they are extremely well behaved, around people. (Except for some hens with chicks, they don't mess around, they go for the eyes) Keeping an ankle biter because he is perceived to be more fertile is a sure way to pass on undesirable traits and no guarantee of more fertility.. Unless you like having your shins flogged, then I don't guess it changes from "undesirable" to "cute and endearing".
Hellbender, really, who needs that cr*p from a chicken? Personally I'd rather have a wussy rooster and fewer fertile eggs (if there is a correlation- my roosters are nice and all the eggs are fertile, so I'm not seeing that myself) than a nasty rooster with 100% fertility of eggs carrying the same nasty tempered chicks.
There is some research (I can dig it up if you'd like) to show that there's better fertility when hens crouch for a rooster than when they are forced.

JR- respectful roosters, for sure! If they have a go at you but learn that was a mistake, no problem. But those ones that don't or won't learn.......... why keep em?
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