Cornish Thread

hmm...i'm gonna start a Cornish contest!!... i will add a link!!!
Is there prior info on the feeding of the Cornish broiler pullets or any easy formula to go by that any of you suggest ,to keep them healthy and up so that i too can introduce a few into a program ,i do have a standard roo waiting hes a few months now.
Is there prior info on the feeding of the Cornish broiler pullets or any easy formula to go by that any of you suggest ,to keep them healthy and up so that i too can introduce a few into a program ,i do have a standard roo waiting hes a few months now.
This is a feeding system for broiler breeders
is this for commercial brooding
This feeding schedule was developed for limit feeding Broiler Breeders(Cobb500). These would be the parents of the CX chicks you order, feed, and process at 8 weeks. It is the method I used to raise the best four(2 cockerels, 2 pullets) of my Murray McMurray Cornish Roaster chicks I ordered. Despite the fact I limit fed; the two cockerels died at puberty. I culled the heaver pullet after she kept laying double yolker eggs.
4 weeks

4 weeks

Cockerel @ 16 weeks

Pullets @ 16 weeks

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