Cornish Thread

This feeding schedule was developed for limit feeding Broiler Breeders(Cobb500). These would be the parents of the CX chicks you order, feed, and process at 8 weeks. It is the method I used to raise the best four(2 cockerels, 2 pullets) of my Murray McMurray Cornish Roaster chicks I ordered. Despite the fact I limit fed; the two cockerels died at puberty. I culled the heaver pullet after she kept laying double yolker eggs.
4 weeks

4 weeks

Cockerel @ 16 weeks

Pullets @ 16 weeks

Does anybody have a feeding regimen that is breeding/showing quality friendly?
This feeding schedule was developed for limit feeding Broiler Breeders(Cobb500). These would be the parents of the CX chicks you order, feed, and process at 8 weeks. It is the method I used to raise the best four(2 cockerels, 2 pullets) of my Murray McMurray Cornish Roaster chicks I ordered. Despite the fact I limit fed; the two cockerels died at puberty. I culled the heaver pullet after she kept laying double yolker eggs.
4 weeks

4 weeks

Cockerel @ 16 weeks

Pullets @ 16 weeks

sorry for the cockerels and such, but they were very cute
Should i notice ,more atletesism out of the cornishxrock fed at a lighter ration ,not as much of the spraddle legged lumbering around ?
saipan xdark cornish

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