Cornish with a large red bump behind left leg.

Nov 26, 2021
Hello! My Cornish chicken has been acting odd for a bit (maybe 4 days) and today I realised she has a large red bump behind her left leg. It feels quite solid. She’s been eating and drinking fine just lazier and less responsive. I’ll try get some photos now. She’s been laying eggs for a while and is around 9-10 months old.
Okay here are some images
It might be a tumor or cyst. Hard to know for sure. Feather cysts from ingrown feathers are common, but that looks very large. Can you push on it to see it it goes inside, such as a hernia would?
When I push on it doesn’t really move. It also seem to be in the shape of an egg but it doesn’t feel like one - it feels solid but also a bit soft
I checked on her today, the bump doesn’t seem to be worst nor better. I’ve also realised her comb and wattles are quite pale, they’re usually a bright red - currently it is back to being bright red.
Oh I forgot to mention, she is also loosing quite a bit of feathers when she preens herself and also in general.
The nest box she sleeps in has around 10 feathers every morning when I take her out. I can’t tell if they’re all hers because my other Cornish sometimes hops in her crate and sleeps with her.
Both sleep in a nest boxes because they are both too heavy to roost and my larger one got a bit raw from sleep on the concrete floor.

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