Cornish X and grit


9 Years
May 5, 2010
Central Indiana
Raising this first batch has been a journey and huge learning experience. I am in week 6, with weights not fully up to 4lbs yet (slow start). I had 1/2 of my flock wiped out by a dog attack last week. When I butchered the salvageable birds from the attack, I noticed that the gizzards had little to no grit.

I ASSUMED (again, a rookie) that being on pasture/grass would allow them to peck and get sufficient grit. Now, seeing the contents of the gizzard, have concluded that they DO NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT Grit. I need to add grit to their feed.

COULD this be the main reason of my sluggish growth rate = slower processing of grains?

If birds are getting any sort of fibrous greens whatsoever, you need to provide some sort of grit. You're lucky not to have had crop impaction. I find that pigeon grit has been the best for my purposes as both meaties and turkeys benefit from it.
No grit to any bird equates to no teeth to chew it's food resulting in poor digestion..
I did not add grit due to the label on the back of the package (says to start with grit at 8wks). Also assumed they would scratch more than they do thus consuming natural grit from the soil-- NOT THE CASE. Lesson learned and hope others can learn. FEED THESE BUGGERS GRIT! I will report the change once I introduce them to grit later today (see if they improve over the next few weeks).

HOWEVER, even still, when I processed 20+ birds (5wks old) last week, we did not have any that showed signs of heart issues. No swollen/enlarged heart, no fluid. No fatty deposits around organs etc. Therefore, the slower growth may have done them ok (I know this is not a perfect trade-off for the potential impacted crop).

Thanks GUYS!

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