Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I don't even know what to say to that? Because it's online or someone we don't know IRL that means we shouldn't care about them even though they're our fellow citizens? I'm pretty sure we're all online right now and most of us haven't met before.... Pretty sure I'm just reading about you all on the internet right now...?

I mean, the majority of serious crimes worth pointing a gun at someone for and shooting them and killing them (like murder, rape, and assault) happen from people the victim knows, not randos creeping in in the middle of the night. So maybe it's just me but it seems like it's WAY more messed up and less relevant to think about how to shoot and kill a person that's breaking into your house for food than "You should think about the impact your actions have on vulnerable populations during a pandemic". :T

ESPECIALLY since our food supply IS secure, farms are continuing to produce just fine, truckers still be truckin' food. Like there's only supply chain issues right now because people suddenly needed a lot all at once. As soon as they don't any more everything goes back to normal. In fact almost every shortage we've had locally is back to normal. All the canned good, dry good, chicken, milk etc. that was gone is back in stock.

I mean, if you don't want someone stealing from you because of their need for food, shouldn't you think about how to, maybe, get them food first and fantasize about how to literally shoot and kill hungry people last? Like maybe never sort of last? Is that just me that thinks we should think about how to feed people and cooperate BEFORE we think about how to kill them?

And being online certainly doesn't negate that some folks here view the topic of people shooting their hungry neighbors and fellow humans as a more family-friendly topic than discussing the very social policies that would prevent those robberies in the first place, and that that's kinda telling about peoples priorities.
I’m pretty sure nobody was talking about shooting hungry people though. Yes, the conversation was originally about protecting yourself from people trying to steal your livestock or whatever (which is still very different from shooting hungry people) but that very quickly changed to just protecting yourself/home in general. Yes, including against murderers and violent criminals. No one said anything about shooting hungry people. You added that in. Also, even if I was starving, I would try to find help or a food pantry or dumpster or something first before I would ever resort to crime. Not saying they deserve to be shot or anything, they definitely don’t, but there are other ways to get food.
More like some of the folks here are WAY more comfortable talking about literally killing people in times of emergency that are also just trying to survive (Since the discussion was what if there's no food and people want your chickens) than they are acknowledging that racism exists and thinking about how to confront it. As in, literally killing living humans is more of a children-appropriate topic than racism is. And that's deeply disturbing IMO.

Yeah. I can't see killing anyone over a can of peas. Or whatever. If it gets that desperate, then that last bit of food isn't going to save them or me. We may as well share it and then die together. One thing I hope I never lose is my humanity, my conviction that we are all in this TOGETHER.
Yeah. I can't see killing anyone over a can of peas. Or whatever. If it gets that desperate, then that last bit of food isn't going to save them or me. We may as well share it and then die together. One thing I hope I never lose is my humanity, my conviction that we are all in this TOGETHER.
I agree but I don’t think anybody was talking about shooting hungry people. It switched to just protection in general. And I don’t even own a gun hah but yes, some people are too quick to resort to guns IMO. That isn’t even an option here so I guess I’ve had to think of other alternatives.
A good number of us aren't bothered by such conversations. :)

That's when you crank up the tunes so loud you can't actually hear yourself think. ;)

I lurve otters 😍😍

We supposedly have them in our area and one day during some heavy rain I got all excited by what I thought was an otter hanging out in the deeper water by my bridge. Like SUPER excited....
Then I found out a few weeks later it was just a muskrat. 😟 Sadly dissapointed, but turns out momma muskrat was fairly friendly. So much so I have to be careful when I mow near the creek cuz the mower does not bother her. That, or she's deaf.
I’ve done that before too!! :D or drown myself in the TV haha I actually resorted to praying last night 😂🙈

Normally don’t.

I love otters. They are the cutest things ever.
Yeah. I can't see killing anyone over a can of peas. Or whatever. If it gets that desperate, then that last bit of food isn't going to save them or me. We may as well share it and then die together. One thing I hope I never lose is my humanity, my conviction that we are all in this TOGETHER.

Me neither. Like if someone is hungry enough to need my chickens and veggies that badly, take em. I have the ability to replace them now and in the future, as is evidenced by the fact that I've lost enough to raccoons, rats, hawks, cats, etc. I don't begrudge the animals for those losses, I just try harder to keep my chickens safe the next time. The animals were just tryna eat. If it's a desperate person? Just take the frickin' chickens (though it's a bit of a waste, they're better breeding birds).

I have locks on my cages and a fence but someone serious could get over it. The only thing they're really there for is to up the risk enough to keep bored and nosey neighbor kids out. A lock won't stop a thief but it keeps an honest man honest.
Beavers are so cute... and then maybe one day you're out in your coop, and you hear a tree go crashing down, and you find that one of your willow trees is now lying across a creek because yup, a beaver, chewed it down. :hmm

Aren't we technically all random people on the internet?? This is something that I am worried about, something that could impact my life... just because it doesn't impact everyone in the same way doesn't mean it doesn't impact some people more than others.
Fair enough, we are. However I'd say that many people here have formed friendships with each other, some have even met in person. Reading a news story about Joe in Smithville who had his feelers hurt evokes a different emotional response from me than say, finding out someone here that I communicate with regularly had their feelers hurt. Make sense?
Trust me the group howl/bay is deafening.
Then there are the times the coon hound mix freaks cause I touch my handbag or meltdown complete with a coon hound scream....that I didn't even know they could do.
Long story but after she nearly died and I literally syringe fed her for over a month she gets freaked out if I have to leave. She is slowly getting better.

I have my stash! I already knew KDOGG had a stash of seeds too.
Oh I bet!!! Even my little tiny birds get deafening when they get to squawking and chirping as do the chickens so I can’t imagine how loud dogs would be when they get going 😂😂

But awwww poor baby!! :love

:lau does everybody know about my stash!?

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